Sunday, February 8, 2015

Feb 8

Today was quite a day!  My husband is still out of town so I was flying solo again.  He will be back next week.  In fact I was walking into the primary room the first question I was asked was "Where is Bro L?"  No one is more excited for him to be there than ME!!!
Jr Primary was a little loud today.  Okay, so as Heather O put it, it was like New Years Eve in there!  Lizzie said  the opening prayer, and Ana gave a talk, or a scripture.  Lizzie made sure to bless the Beluga Whales.  Phew, I was worried about those whales ;).  And Ana tried to eat the microphone while giving her talk.  Her sweet mom would try to move the microphone a little bit, but she was determined to talk right into it!  I know you have all heard how it sounds when someone is too close to the mike, so unfortunately I can't tell you much about what her talk was about.  But I do think she has a great future in her teens to run the drive thru. She was equally intelligible to the teenager who asks about your order.

By the time we headed to class everyone was a little "energetic".  I got them into the room and started the lesson.  Now... I know that a lot of thought and prayer goes into these manuals, but every once in a while, I question the logic behind the lesson.  Today, against my better judgment, I followed the plan laid out, and we talked about Moroni.  Then, as per instructed, we rolled a paper into a trumpet and pretended to be Moroni with his trumpet.  Whooo eee.  Trumpets and reverence do not go hand in hand.  So when I could, I put them away until they went home.  Hopefully they enthusiastically trumpeted all the way home!

We missed Israel.  We had to discuss for 5 minutes where he was.  Each time I thought I had explained that he was probably home with his mom and will be back next week, someone would bring it up again, and we would have to explain it all over.  Hopefully no one is absent next week : /

Today Wiley wanted to tell us all about his new house!  We are excited he gets a new room, and a new pool, and a new yard, and a new whole bunch of trees, and a new kitchen....

This started a new trajectory, Ana wanted to share her picture from her talk with us.  It was a picture of Jesus and a heart, and her whole family, and some fish, or whales, or something.  She will draw me there next time. Then she wanted her picture made into an airplane.

Everyone was getting a little fidgety so we attempted to do a reverence walk down the hall.  They did pretty well.  Except Fierce was making whooshing noises the whole way.  We got a drink at the drinking fountain (unless you have taken 6, 4 year olds to get a drink you don't understand what a monumental feat that is).  They all took a turn and then we continued to walk semi-reverently down the hall.  We got to the end of the hall where there is a door to the outside, this is where we were supposed quietly turn around and go back.  EXCEPT....we had the boys try to make a quick getaway to the parking lot!  But HA, I am too experienced, and too wise for them and they were quickly shepherded back down the hall. We ran into a member of the bishopric who almost pretended to be Godzilla, but thought better of it (Phew thankfully).  The girls turned the hall light off and we proceeded back to class ( I figured someone would turn it back on). We ran/walked to the classroom (the boys running until I could catch up to them and remind them to walk reverently).

Boys are different (special) creatures.  They were trying to walk reverently, while at the same time, trying to be in front of everyone else.  Finally I made a new rule, everyone had to be BEHIND teacher.  Then we made it back to the classroom.  They had hit their threshold on reverence, so we took some pics.  We folded up our chairs and laid on our bellies and looked at the pictures.  We spent the rest of the time identifying who was who.  I almost forgot to collect our reverence cards and hand out lifesavers. I should of known they wouldn't let me forget that!  Claw's mom laughed at us because I had found out that there is a right way and a wrong way to hand out lifesaver's.  If you hand it to them outright they will fight about what color they have vs what color they want.  Instead, I make them close their eyes and open their mouths and they have to guess the color I put in there.  I am just sneaky like that.  However it does sorta resemble a mama bird feeding her little baby birds.

The topic today was the restoration of the priesthood.  I know it doesn't sound much like we learned anything, and we probably didn't. We did identify all the main characters in the pictures.  I don't know that they ever learned who Oliver Cowdery was...

Wiley "This is my happy face"

Ana "I want to do a funny face"


Lady "I just want to smile"

Claw "Arrrrr"


Happy Faces

Silly Faces

Tired Faces

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